Van Anda Cove Wharf, Texada Island - Rodger Hort Photography

Rodger Hort Photography

It's hard to believe, but this scene had one-foot waves crashing into the bay when I took this photograph. The waves were flattened by an extended exposure of three minutes, which also blurred the clouds scudding across the sky. The long exposure was due to using a neutral density filter, which acts like sunglasses for the camera, allowing a much longer time exposure than would otherwise be needed for a correct exposure.
Van Anda Cove Wharf, Texada Island - Rodger Hort Photography
It's hard to believe, but this scene had one-foot waves crashing into the bay when I took this photograph. The waves were flattened by an extended exposure of three minutes, which also blurred the clouds scudding across the sky. The long exposure was due to using a neutral density filter, which acts like sunglasses for the camera, allowing a much longer time exposure than would otherwise be needed for a correct exposure.